My traditional career ended more than a decade ago when I started studying web frameworks, guided by framing the problems they're aimed at from a different perspective. Since then I have lead the development of Reahl ( which was released at the end of 2013. In the corporate world I coach agile teams and teach the forgotten craft of Object Oriented design. This combination equipped me to be a specialist facilitator of the process of taming systems whose design has grown convoluted and debilitating over time.

Accepted Talks:

What's the point of Object Orientation?

Object Orientation (OO) is often introduced in terms of how it is implemented by a specific language. However, understanding the theory underlying OO is not quite the same as understanding how OO concepts are supported by a particular language. It is insightful to understand the simple OO fundamentals and how these map to the particular implementation provided by Python.

In this talk I will first explain the very basics of OO from a language-neutral point of view with the aim of showing what OO can offer you. I will touch upon the simple mathematical theory underlying OO and how it can be used as a mental discipline to improve your natural capacity to reason about programs. I hope to give you enough information to help you distinguish between better and worse designs and to detect whether you're using OO as it was intended. I will show how these fundamentals map to Python, and compare the difference of Python's implementation to that of some other languages (even functional languages).

This talk is for anyone: whether you're new at Object Orientation, or a practitioner wondering whether OO is worth the effort you've spent trying to use it.

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